Blue Knights® Germany XVIII e.V. Rhein-Main What happened:
A Chronology starting with the newest Infos first!
Chronology of Blue Knights® Germany XVIII e.V. Rhein-Main
The year 2016
Jörn Kasch becomes new member of Blue Knights Germany XVIII. Welcome.
Meeting at the carneval in Mainz instead of the regular meeting; Carneval parade did not happen, because of bad weather
Tour to Luxemburg
Season Opening Germany XXI
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Franz+Christa, Jörn+Dagmar, Tobi, Bernd, Erik
Germany XIX Pepe
EC at Zadar/Croatia Pepe+Gitta, Udo, Moppes
Udo's 60. birthday (Ingo buys a new Honda Transalp 600 at Rome.)
Juli Meeting in Wales 1 Pepe+Gitta
Heideglühen - Meeting of Germany 34 Pepe
Tour to Kaiserslautern - Marriage of Carina
Germany 12 Kusel Karlos+Manu, Udo, Pepe
Chaptertour Nauders in Austria
Germany 21 Rocktoberfest Chris, Pepe, Dieter, Ingo
Tour to the little river Wisper
Visit of the christmas market in Mainz
The year 2015
Tobias Schüler became new member of our chapter.
Frank Bobbes Pfarr and Karl-Heinz Kalle Zachmann wanted to leave our chapter.
They were offered to stay in our chapter as honorable elder members. They agreed.
EC Polen in Stettin
Regular meeting at Mainzer Hof and a Tour through Rheinhessen.
Belgien I - Massembre
Barbecue with Chris
Birthday barbecue at Norbert's home
LUX-1, Burg Hollenfels (Chris und Tobi)
Chaptertour Jochen, Moni, Chris, Norbert, Peter, Moppes, Udo and Margret.
GER VIII and X Bremen.
Visit of the christmas market in Mainz
The year 2014
Two possible new members:"Moppes" Jürgen Theis und "Toaster" Thorsten Pfeifer.
Sternfahrt Kulmbach with 10 members (Chris, Udo, Margret, Jochen, Moni, Karlos, Manu and friends of Udo). It is near Pottenstein not far from Nürnberg on the way back we had heavy rain.
Anlassen Gründau was on the same weekend of the Kulmbach event we could not go there.
Chapterfeier and Tour to IPA-Haus near Büdingen - Roadcaptain René.
EC Waidring - Pillerseehof St. Ulrich
Marriage of Pepe und Gitta
Schottland - Regular meeting in Septemberstammtisch at Dunfermline. We planned to drive 200 - 250 km each day, but on some days we made 400 km (!). Our base was at the police academy in Edinburgh.
Visit of the christmas market in Mainz
The year 2013
Gerhard Neef left our chapter
Germany XII in Kusel
EC Worriken in Belgien
Planned meeting of Germany XXXI Berlin - did not happen
Chaptertour to Niederbronn in Elsass (France)
Rocktoberfest Germany XXI
Visit of the christmas market in Mainz
The year 2012
New members were Udo und Franz
EC Umag in Kroatien
Germany XXIII Rinteln
Germany XXI Hohensolms
Germany XXII Kleve
Boullion Winter meeting in Belgium
Visit of the christmas market in Frankfurt/Main
The year 2011
Astrid Seese left our Chapter
Alex Blum changed to Chapter Germany XII
EC in Mandelieu near Cannes
Chaptertour to Allgäu in Bavaria
Anlassen in Niedergründau
Sternfahrt to Kulmbach
Rocktoberfest Germany XXI
The year 2010
We organized a chapter tour for several days to Italy (Dolomiten)
Besides Tours together our members visited
- the "Starting Of The Engines" in Gründau
- the Bavarian Police Kulmbach Rally
- the Tent Camp in Wildeck-Obersuhl (Dana and Germany XV)
- Meetings of Blue Knights® in Laubach (Germany XXI), Plau am See (Germany XXX) und Berlin (Germany XXXI)
- the Oktoberfest of Blue Knights® Germany XXI in Laubach-Münster
- the Maultaschenessen of Blue Knights® Germany XIII
- The Blue Knights' European Conference 2010 took place in Oostduinkerke / Belgium.
- The second guided Ireland Tour of the Blue Knights® Ireland I
- Foundation meeting of the Red Knights near Gießen.
The year 2009
In the year 2009 we can welcome Pepe and Dieter as new Members in our chapter.
Besides Tours together our members visit
- the "Starting Of The Engines" in Gründau
- the Bavarian Police Kulmbach Rally
- the Tent Camp in Wildeck-Obersuhl (Dana and Germany XV)
- Meetings of Blue Knights® in Altleiningen (Germany I, V und XVI), Tannenlohe (Germany VII), Zeven (Germany VIII) und Althütte (Germany XIII)
- Seasons Opening Party und (R)oktoberfest of Blue Knights® Germany XXI in Laubach-Münster
- the Maultaschenessen of Blue Knights® Germany XIII
- The Blue Knights' European Conference 2009 took place at Krk in Croatia.
At the end of the year Uli und Sven left our chapter.
The year 2008
In the year 2008 we can welcome Ingo and Manu as new Members in our chapter.
Besides Tours together our members visit
- the "Starting Of The Engines" in Gründau
- the Bavarian Police Kulmbach Rally
- the Tent Camp in Wildeck-Obersuhl (Dana and Germany XV)
- Meetings of Blue Knights® in Wertheim (Germany IV) and Haltern am See (Germany XVII)
- the Oktoberfest of Blue Knights® Germany XXI in Laubach-Münster
- the Maultaschenessen of Blue Knights® Germany XIII
Together with Germany XXI we are hosting the Blue Knights' European Conference in Laubach.
At the end of the year Tigris, Steffi and Rebel left the chapter.
The year 2007
Besides Tours together our members visit
- the German Presidents' Meeting in Laubach
- the "Starting Of The Engines" in Gründau
- the Bavarian Police Kulmbach Rally
- the European Conference in Vienna (Austria 1)
- Meetings of Blue Knights® in Laubach-Münster (Germany XXI), Kleve (Germany XXII), Blue Knights® Poland 1 and the meeting of Blue Knights® Ireland 1 with a guided Tour through Ireland before the meeting
- the Godfroid-Meeting (Belgium VI) Bouillon/Belgium
- together with our friends of Blue Knights® Germany XXI some of our members participate in a tour to Waidring (Austria) with some nice motorcycle tours in the Alps.
At the membership meeting in December the incumbent board of directors is confirmed in office.
The year 2006
Besides Tours together our members visit
- the German Presidents' meeting in Homberg-Hülsa
- the Bavarian Police Kulmbach rally
- the European Conference in Larvik
- Meetings of the Blue Knights® in Laubach-Münster (Germany XXI) and Steiermark (Austria IV)
- the Godfroid-Meeting (Belgium VI) Bouillon/Belgium
In September we celebrate with some other bikers the "Kosovo Return Party" when Tigris returns after one year in a mission.
Together with the chapter Blue Knights® Germany XXI (Mittelhessen) we run for the chance to organize the European Conference 2008 in Laubach/ Germany. In a voting at the EC in Larvik the european presidents meeting accepts our chapters to organize this event.
At the end of the year Norbert leaves the chapter. Alex transfers to our chapter.
The year 2005
Besides Tours together our members visit
- Parties with the 1.MMC
- the "Starting Of The Engines" in Gründau
- the German Presidents' Meeting in Hofgeismar
- the European Conference (Germany XIII and X), Neumünster/Germany
- a meeting of the European Presidents in Bruxelles (Belgium VI)
- the Bavarian Police Kulmbach Rally
- Meetings of Blue Knights® in Laubach-Münster (Germany XXI), Berlin (Germany IX), Königsdorf (Germany VI), Lich (Germany XXI), Obernkirchen (Germany XXIII), Koblenz (Germany I), "Dragons in the Mountains Rally" (Wales I), Italien (Italy II), Kusel (Germany XII), "Friends meet Friends" (Germany XVII)
- the "Tent-Camp" (Thüringer Wald)
- the Godfroid-Meeting (Belgium VI) Bouillon/Belgium
- a Meeting of Motorcycles with sidecar for the benefit of the disabled people living at the Antoniusheim in Hofheim/Germany.
We say goodbye to our short-lived friends Benji (Austria IV) and Micha (Germany XV) at their funerals.
Our end of seasons tour (with Knights of Germany XII) goes to the Blackwood Forest.
At the membership meeting in November our members decide unanimously to confirmation the incumbent board of directors in office.
The year 2004
In the year 2004 we can welcome Karlos as a new member.
In November Gasi, Roland, Klopfer and Claudi leave us after the annual meeting to found another Blue Knights® Chapter. Tom leaves us due lack of time. Petra returns after a one years break.
Besides tours together, the members visit
- the German president meeting in Homberg-Hülsa (organization team Blue Knights® Germany)
- the European Conference (Belgium II, Mechelen)
- the start up of motors in Gründau
- the start up of motors at the Nürburgring with participation at the booth of Copcare
- meetings of the Blue Knight in Langenhardt (Germany II), Tannenlohe (Germany VII), Zeven (Germany VIII), Borken (Germany XVII), Buseck (Germany XXI), Ketsch (Germany XXV), Vienna (Austria I), Umag (Croatia I) as well as the Tent-Camp in the Thüringer Forrest and the Godfroid-Meeting in Bouillon (Belgium VI)
- the meeting of the Bikers in BGS near St. Augustin and parties at the 1. MMC
- from September 17 to 19, 2004 we celebrate our foundation meeting in Rüdesheim at the Rhine.
The year 2003
Tigris, Claudi, Roland and Gasi join the Chapter. Angel moves to the newly founded Chapter Germany XXI (Mittelhessen). Baumi leaves due to lack of time, Petra takes a time out due to offspring.
Annual meeting with new election of executive officers
Executive officers:
Chris - President
Rebel - Vicepresident
Kalle - Secretary
René - Treasurer
As assessors are elected:
Tigris - Road Captain
Klopfer - Webmaster
Besides tours together, among other things with the Freebikers and members of the American Military Police, the members visit
- the German president meeting in Kiebitzhörn (Germany X)
- the European Conference in Tholey (Germany XII)
- the start up of motors in Gründau
- meetings of the Blue Knights® in Monschau (Germany V), Ratingen (Germany XVII), Sachsen (Germany XIX), Laubach (Germany XXI), Switzerland (Switzerland I) and in December the Godfroid Camping near Bouillon (Belgium)
- parties of the MF Wild Bulls and the 1. Mainzer Motorcycle Club
- a barbecue of the Blue Knights® KC Metro (Kansas City, MO/USA)
- in July a barbecue is held, at Halloween a party with a Blue Knight visiting from Texas
- a driving and security training in Ingelheim is well received
The year 2002
In the course of the year, Norbert, Sven, Klopfer, Steffi, Jochen and Uli join us. Siggi leaves due to lack of time.
Besides tours together, the members visit
- the German president meeting in Hofgeismar (Germany XV)
- the start up of motors in Gründau
- the meeting of the B3 Bikers in Lich
- parties of the MF Wild Bulls and the 1. Mainzer Motorcycle Club (1. MMC)
- in August we organize a barbecue on the "Hessenaue"
September 15, 2001
Foundation assembly at the bowling alley of the Hessen Police Academy. Foundation members:
Angel, Baumi, Bobbes, Chris, Gerhard, Kalle, Moni, Petra, Rebel, Siggi, Snaky
Executive officers:
Chris - President
Petra - Vicepresident
Kalle - Secretary
Rebel - Treasurer
Until the end of the year 2001 Peter, René and Tom also join in.
Snaky decides, due to lack of time, not to participate.
Apart from severeal rides together members visit
- the European Conference (Germany VIII, Zeven)
How it all started
Through the e-mail club Cybercops, some policeman from the Rhein-Main area learn to know there is a motorcycle club from police officers for police officers: the Blue Knights®.
Let's first see what's going on there - Chris, Rebel and Bobbes attend the first meetings (Germany I - Ehrenbreitstein, Germany II - Lahr, Germany V - Flönztour). Terrific spirit, nice bikers, the business of handing over charity is super!
Problem: the next chapters are far away.
Question to other motorcycle riding Cybercops: Who is interested in riding in a motorcycle club? Interest is there.
Kindly, at this time Petra, member and former president of Germany V (Cologne) already got to know (and love) a Rheingauer. After her wedding and move in "our" area, we now have an insider with us.
A short mail on the Hessian Police Intranet added brings Gerhard to join us.