"Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc." is a corporation of motorcyclists working in law enforcement agencies. As of September 2008, we have 606 chapters and over 20.000 members in 29 countries.
The name "Blue Knights®" connects the colour of most American (country of Blue Knights'® origin) police uniforms on the one hand, with the ideals of knights - honour, braveness, protector of the weak and helpless - on the other hand.
Once upon a time knights protecteted their fellow men "as a knight in shining armour". Today police officers take on this job. They run to places, where others run away from.
Apart from the calling to be a friend and aide the Blue Knights® are connected through the fascination of motorcycling. The touring motto is: Travelling, no speeding.
A short note:
As motorcyclists we know, that we can be faster than every other traffic participant on our roads. We don't have to demonstrate this to anybody else. We all had to see much too often what happens, when to objects take the unsuited trial to occupy the same position in public traffic at the same time. Exactly on this account we take it easy on tours!
The Blue Knights® strive to improve the reputation of motorcyclists and police officers in public.